Genesis Recovery Coaching

Genesis Recovery Coaching

Website Development: Calgary Addiction/Recovery Coach

(Hover over the Homepage image)
The home page of the new Genesis Recovery Coaching website

Project Summary

The Brief

Genesis Recovery Coaching (GRC) is a recovery capital coaching services company for individuals exploring or desiring recovery from behavioural addictions and/or substance abuse, based in Calgary, Alberta.
Business owner and recovery coach Alan Frank wanted a website that allowed him to tell his personal story, highlight the services offered, and present a judgment-free welcome for potential clients.

Our Approach

Because the story of Genesis Recovery Coaching is so personal to the client, we consulted with him carefully in order to ensure that we presented the right tone and information. Alan did some of the copywriting, while we did the rest. We also completed extensive keyword research, built a sitemap and created design mockups designed to facilitate a positive user experience.

The Result

The result is an easy to navigate website that tells Alan’s story, while also presenting the visitor with useful information. It speaks in a personal manner, building trust, erasing stigma, and encouraging follow-through.

You can visit the website at

What the Client is Saying

I have had no experience in developing websites. Andrew and his team were incredibly supportive. They freely offered advice and suggestions. Answered my questions as simple as some of them might have been. Made me an active co-creator in the process. Build that trust in the relationship that is important to me.

Alan Frank – Business Owner & Addictions Coach, Genesis Recovery Coaching